While pregnancy can be a joyful time in your life, it can cause a lot of pain. The good news is you can count on a chiropractor on our team at Druzbik Family Chiropractic in Statesville, NC, to help you get holistic and natural relief.

The Exam

Your first visit to a chiropractor on our team for your pregnancy chiropractic care will begin with an exam so that we can determine how your pregnancy is affecting the alignment of your spine. When you are carrying a baby, you are adding weight that could shift your center of gravity. This shift may affect the way you walk and increase the stress on your back, potentially causing pain and discomfort.

Spinal Alignment

When your spine is out of alignment, it affects much more than just your back. When the messages can't get from your brain to your extremities and organs without being impeded, you could develop, or make worse, several different pain conditions.

Chiropractic adjustment may help relieve the misalignment in your spine by returning the spine to its proper position. Many different types of spinal adjustments and a chiropractor on our team will seek to select the right one for your specific condition.

Other Treatments

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue mobilization can help to relax the mom-to-be and to help prepare the muscles for the job ahead. A lot of stress comes with pregnancy and soft tissue work may help provide relief.

We can also provide other types of treatment to help you get natural and holistic relief, including corrective exercises, lifestyle advice, nutritional counseling, and potentially more.

Get Chiropractic Care, Neck Pain Treatment, and Back Pain Treatment from a Chiropractor Near You

Contact our team at Druzbik Family Chiropractic in Statesville, NC, if you are looking for neck pain treatment or back pain treatment. We offer pregnancy chiropractic care as well as treatment for many members of the family. Give our office a call today to make an appointment at (704) 878-9744. Visit us for chiropractic care, neck pain treatment, and back pain treatment from a chiropractor near you.

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