Sciatica can cause pain in the lower back, buttocks, legs, and affect your daily life. At Druzbik Family Chiropractic in Statesville, NC, we provide treatment for sciatica to help alleviate the discomfort and prevent further complications from occurring. Before you visit us, learn more about this condition and some of its most common symptoms below!

The Most Common Sciatica Symptoms

Those experiencing sciatica, also known as lumbar radiculopathy, may exhibit a variety of symptoms. Some of these symptoms include:

Leg Pain

When the sciatic nerve is compressed, you may feel pain in one of both legs. The pain typically originates in the lowers back and travels to the buttocks and legs. The discomfort can also become worse when sitting and can be mild, sharp, or excruciating.

Lower Back Pain

Since the sciatic nerve originates in the lower back and can be compressed by herniated discs, slipped discs, or bone spurs, you can experience discomfort in your lower back.

Numbness or Tingling

Pressure on the sciatic nerve can lead to numbness in the legs or buttocks. You may also encounter a pins and needles, or tingling, sensation in your legs and feet.

Muscle Weakness

Pain and numbness can sometimes result in weakness in the legs and lower body. If sciatica persists and is not treated, the condition can lead to limited mobility and even muscle atrophy.

Limited Range of Motion

Many individuals experience limited range of motion dude to sciatica. When you have weakness, numbness, and pain in various regions of the body, it can be difficult to enjoy sports or hobbies.

Contact us for Treatment Today!

If you have symptoms of sciatica, our team at Druzbik Family Chiropractic in Statesville, NC, is happy to help. We will evaluate your condition and create a well-rounded treatment plan that can provide you with relief and improve your quality of life. To schedule an appointment, contact us at (704) 878-9744 today!

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